Thursday, November 26, 2015

9 herbs that make each food healthier

You should increase the intake of minerals only grow a garden window.

What is the fastest way to your dinner loaded down with antioxidants? In oregano. Need more iron? In Lavender. If you cook with fresh herbs, you are not true wonder of nature, tiny flavor enhancers with antioxidants and minerals are added to each dish, and can cut some charged that molded product toxic chemicals. During cooking Even if you do not care about nutrition, they will help each totally killer meal sure to impress anyone.

1. Thyme
Image result for Thyme
One of the most commonly used medicinal herbs, thyme has been used for everything from killing germs to cure colds. But not only to exile to your medicine cabinet. Two teaspoons of the herb pack near 20 percent of your daily requirement of iron and is also rich in manganese, a mineral that brain function and increases the aids in healthy marrow, skin and cartilage formation.

2. Parsley
Image result for Parsley
Two tablespoons of fresh parsley over 150 percent of the daily requirement of vitamin K, the. An important role in blood clotting, play bone formation and provide liver function A side effect is that the food hit parsley smell chlorophyll is the Conditioning your things breath could spice up your room refreshment. The ancient Greeks used parsley as an aphrodisiac.

Image result for Lemongrass
These aromatic lemongrass is probably best known for its distribution in the Asian Southeast. And exotic lemongrass, who heads found its taste and aroma of the same compound in Lemon Joy is not only a great addition to recipes, but also in natural medicine for its ability to fever, relieve muscle spasms, neck stomach and neck ahead head. It is packed with antioxidants, and that the protection against oxidative stress, thus helping a major cause of heart disease and cancer loaded. Studies have also found that lemon grass contains antimicrobial properties that fight against E. coli.

Image result for Oregano

If you just want an herb to use in your kitchen, make oregano. This powerful herb (some cooks think actually tastes better dried) contains up to 20 times more cancer-fighting antioxidants than other herbs, on average, and holds its own against the fruit, as well. According to a study by the USDA has 1 tablespoon fresh oregano the same antioxidant power as a whole apple. And Gram for gram, grass has twice the antioxidant activity of blueberries.


Image result for Rosemary
Who does not love a good grilled steak? But by the meat (red or white) with hot flames barbecue leads to the formation of heterocyclic amines (HCA), carcinogenic compounds created when meat grilled or broiled. In Rosemary, however, and this is not the case, determined according to the researchers from the University of Arkansas, Iowa State University and the State University of Kansas that cooking meat with rosemary could reduce the level of HCA by 60-80 percent ,


Image result for Coriander
Love it or hate it, you can make sure that you always throw a few branches ofcilantro in your chicken. University of California researchers have discovered that a compound in killing Salmonella bacteria (commonly found in raw meat) named incilantro dodecenal almost twice as effective a trade antibiotic and they have a dozen more isolated antibiotic compounds to kill himself , other foodborne bacteria were effective. The same compounds were also found in coriander, won the seasoning Coriander Seed.

7.Fashion (Sage)

Image result for Sage
This herbaceous flavor is strong antioxidant power and ranks just behind oregano in terms of antioxidant content and this herb is widely used in the medical and traditional plant is used, your brain increases power. 45 adult or a placebo or different levels of the essential oils in sage were published in a study in the biochemical behavior journal Pharmacological certain result. Even those who had the lowest sage oil better memory and on-demand, based on cognitive tests than those taking a placebo. If you are a fan of local food, try the pineapple sage, a number you can in your garden, tastes and smells just like tropical fruits, but growing miles without food.

Image result for Lavender
Most people connect to the lavender candles and potpourri; it has a pretty good reputation for relaxation and stress reduction. But if you do not cook with it, you are missing out on all the nutrients it stored in its fragrant leaves. An excellent source of calcium and vitamin A, Lavender ward also a decent amount of iron and vitamin C, the last of which can help seasonal allergies.


Image result for Peppermint
Peppermint is more than just a cocktail dress or a fresh breath. There you need to keep in third behind the sage and oregano, the antioxidant content, and it could actually slim. Only the feeling of mint can reduce food cravings, so much so that the study of Wheeling Jesuit University in West Virginia found that people who peppermint sniffed for a week every 2 hours consumes 2800 calories less per week mint on non-Sniffer.

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