An index increased body mass (BMI), where the body weight to height in fall the overweight, obese, or even better than this scale, is very common in people with type 2 diabetes, and it is not just a coincidence, obesity is an important risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes and obesity are to control the blood sugar more difficult after diabetes is diagnosed.
The relationship between obesity and type 2 diabetes is insulin resistance in cells that normally respond to insulin by the glucose output and molecules in these cells do not respond to this powerful hormone.
Fortunately, losing a modest amount of weight - less than 7 to 10 percent of your current weight - can have a profound effect on insulin resistance. That's partly because visceral fat seems to disappear, the first fat, as the pounds come off. Modest weight loss can have a major influence on the course of diabetes.
A list of ten food swaps should not be considered a weight loss program in every sense. But this simple list is an important concept - small changes great results. And above all, small changes, the simple and easy new habits that eventually without thinking, will occur.
1. Enter your Mayo.
Exchange of regular mayonnaise for a lower fat version can save significant calories. Light Mayonnaise reduced calories per teaspoon to 35 or more, and total fat and 4 grams per 3 between serves. Low-fat or low fat varieties typically cut calories and fat, and about 1 to about 15 grams.
That is, 90 calories per tablespoon 15 significantly reduced, and when it comes to losing weight in the long run, these are the kinds of changes that really add.
2. Try, Speck Canadian.
Swapping an American bacon ounce for Canadian Bacon saves 100 calories, 9 g fat, 3 grams of saturated fat, and 285 milligrams of sodium. This is an incredible difference in the nutrient composition for an incredibly simple change and Canadian Bacon also an intelligent replacement for other meats like pepperoni.
Exchange between the bacon is an excellent example of how to not give up completely, your eating habits in order to obtain great achievements.
3. Replace your topping of sour cream with Greek yogurt.
Standard pads for baked potatoes are butter, margarine or sour cream, but you can calories and fat in the fat Greek yogurt attempts on your potato instead of savings. And Greek yogurt has the same thick creamy consistency of sour cream.
Two tablespoons (1 ounce) of fat Greek yogurt has only 24 calories and no fat, compared to 50 calories and 5 grams of fat for sour cream, 140 calories and 16 grams of fat for margarine and 200 calories with 23 grams of butter fat materials.
4. Update your salad with lime.
Think exchange of all types of dressing for fresh lime juice, with no fat and calories, you can count on one hand. Juice fresh lime give you an explosion of flavor, and adds to the garden vegetables in your salad without your healthy intentions.
Reduce 5Move-fat dairy products.
Milk contains almost 4 percent fat, and 1 cup of whole milk has 156 calories, 9 g fat and 34 milligrams of cholesterol. 1 percent milk fat and has 54 fewer calories, 7 g fat, 22 milligrams less cholesterol at least the same amount of calcium and Vitamin A per cup. Low-fat or skim milk has only 86 calories per cup.
Every opportunity that you can take to use fat or nonfat dairy products instead of full-fat versions reduces takes calories from your daily diet. Under calories from your diet to eliminate without much food is an opportunity that you should not miss. Even if you do not think you can make the jump directly thick, there are quite tasty low-fat options, and every little bit makes a difference.
6 .try of baked chips and salsa instead of chips and dip.
Bake chip cuts the calories and fat significantly. You save 20-30 calories per ounce, and 3 to 5 grams of fat by switching to the cooked variety. And if you accept that your favorite dipping sauce, you lose 80 percent of calories and all the fat on diving, also.
7. Spice it up.
Fat adds flavor, food, and one reason why the fatty foods may be, is taste. But you can add incredible flavor by adding spices, with no calories and no fat. And, you can spice up, add something, especially where your first thought might add butter and salt.
8. If you need to repair your chocolate, skim rather try unsweetened chocolate pudding.
15 grams of carbohydrates - When using skim milk to your pudding, a 2.1-cup serving of 80 calories, 0 g fat, and enjoy a number of carbohydrates. You save 200 calories, 17 grams of fat and 20 grams of carbohydrates.
If you have gambled rather unusual, mix one tablespoon of peanut butter in the pudding, and save 100 calories, 10 grams of fat and 15 grams of carbohydrates compared to milk chocolate bar again.
9. Try, roasted garlic spread.
Garlic roasted in the oven for 30 minutes or in a clay roaster for only about two minutes zapped in the microwave, loses much of its strong, spicy bite, and took a light, creamy sweetness. And can be decomposed into a rich paste of roasted garlic, and anything where you get the butter unsalted butter or margarine used - bread, potatoes, vegetables, pasta, or elsewhere.
A tablespoon of roasted garlic is only 12 calories, no fat, saturated fat, or sodium. Compared with a tablespoon of margarine, roasted garlic save 58 calories, 8 grams total fat and 100 mg sodium. And consumption of garlic has a positive effect on heart health, especially lowers blood pressure and prevents atherosclerosis.
10. Keep your fish in water in cans.
Canned tuna is an excellent source of high quality protein and healthy omega-3 fatty acid. But you can get your tuna packed in water, or they can be packed in your tuna oil. You guessed it - with tuna packed in water you will find yourself wrapped in the same 3 ounce serving of tuna in oil save 69 calories, 6 g fat and 14 milligrams of sodium.