The Top 20 Diet Tips of All Time!
How to lose weight and
get in shape by following! these 20 simple diet tips that REALLY work!!
Ask 100
people for their top diet tip and you’ll probably get 100
different answers… and most of them will
directly conflict with the each other.
It seems that everybody thinks they know the secret to losing weight… but have
you ever noticed that it’s always the
‘big boned’ people that think they
know the most?
So, how do
you know which tips work and which are nothing but crazy old wives tales?!
Despair no
more :) you’re about to discover the TOP 20 best
diet tips ’n’ tricks of all time. Period. …you’d better hurry up and order a
new wardrobe because you’re about to super slim. Let’s
TIP #1 - Don’t cheat on your
calorie count
If you’re
counting calories (which you definitely should be if you
want to
lose weight!) then make sure you do it honestly! Contrary to a very commonly
told lie… the calorific content of ‘food on
your partners plate’ is EXACTLY the
same as food on your plate! So stealing tidbits of their food still needs to be
added to your count.
Similarly, ‘polishing off the scraps’ as you
clear away the dishes
also needs to be added to your count.
Lots of
people try to cheat their calorie count but they are only cheating themselves.
Be honest. If you want to take a little extra then go for it, but make sure you
count it and stick to your limits.
If your
calorie count isn’t accurate and honest it’s
worthless. However… as soon as you commit to keeping a truthful honest and
accurate calorie count it suddenly becomes and incredibly valuable tool. It can
motivate you, guide you, help you and bring you great comfort, especially at
times when you need it most.
Allow your
calorie count to be your friend and use it to inspire your diet. It’s incredibly rewarding when you know that
a work out you just did has burned up more calories than the snack you
previously indulged put in, but you ONLY get that reward if you’re honest with your
TIP #2 - Eat like Traffic Lights!
(Part One!)
Traffic lights are the perfect guide to what you should put on your
plate and how you should eat it! First up we’re going to be using traffic
lights to determine what you should be eating.
This is very simple.
With EVERY meal
include at least one food that is either RED,
Most red,
orange and green foods (We’re talking
about fruits and veggies here… NOT deep
fried chicken!!!) are very good for you. When they are taking up room on your
plate you have less space for the nasty foods that pile on the pounds.
fruit and veg is great for your skin too, so it’ll not only help you lose
weight, but it’ll also make you look younger :) BONUS!!
TIP #3 -
Eat like Traffic Lights! (Part Two!)
You know how traffic lights continually stop and start… well that’s exactly how your should be eating EVERY meal
Most overweight
people just shovel food into their mouths like it’s going out of fashion. The
next fork full is already waiting before the last one has even been swallowed.
When you
eat you must take your time. Every time you put food into your mouth STOP focusing
on the food on your plate, put your knife and fork down and shift your focus to
the wonderful flavours and sensations that are happening inside your mouth. !
Chew your food. Enjoy it. Savour it!
Take your time to completely chew each mouthful and notice all of
the flavours and textures before you swallow. Then and ONLY then, shift your
focus back to your plate, pick up your knife and fork and prepare your next
Just think
of those trusty traffic lights. Stop. Start. Stop. Start.
You get the idea ;)!
TIP #4 - Don’t get too hungry!
If you’re
hungry you’ll make terrible decisions about food. And you’ll very probably snack on whatever is most readily
available (which
is very rarely healthy).
So… here’s a cool 2 part top tip.
Part 1 -
Don’t get too hungry! It’s just not
good at all. Aside of making you eat
things you normally wouldn’t it also sends a message to your body that food is
rare so it’s time to start storing up
as much fat as possible! (You’re body is all about survival, it
doesn’t care about looking super slim n sexy.
So if it thinks that food is running out it will start to become VERY efficient and turning any food you do
eat into fat that it’ll be able to use later when the food has all gone.)!
Part 2 - If
you know you’re likely to go hungry,
give in and start
then make sure you have some healthy snacks that are ready to go :) A hard
boiled egg or some nuts are perfect for this.
You can keep some nuts in
your car just in case. So the next time you fill up and your tummy rumbles you
can avoid buying ‘just one Mars bar’ and nibble on some healthy nuts instead.
TIP #5 - Drink More Water!
If you feel
peckish, drink a glass of water,
wait for a few minutes
and then check to see if your
peckish feelings have gone. About
80% of the time your body is craving water (very few people
actually drink enough water so we all go around in a state of semi-hydration)!
Obviously, water is in pretty much everything we
eat, so when
you feel the urge to eat
something it’s often your body
craving water. It’s telling you to eat something because
that’s how you usually get moisture
into your body.
Close the fridge, get out of the pantry and go grab
a cool refreshing glass of life
giving water. HMMMM!!!
Oh… another
interesting thing about water. You
are FAR more
likely to carry excess water weight
in you don’t drink enough
water, as opposed to if you drink to much.
Just like we discover in tip 4, your body is all about survival. If you don’t
drink enough water your body assumes their is a water storage so it tried to
hold on to some and you put on water weight. If you drink enough (or even a
little too much) then your body knows that there’s plenty of water and it doesn’t keep any extra back.
TIP #6 - Eat SPICY food!
You know the myth about spicy food speeding up your
metabolism. It’s true. But that’s not
Spicy food
has some pretty cool qualities that are very handy when you’re trying to lose
weight. Chillies contain capsaicin, which (clever scientists have discovered)
causes your brain to release feel good endorphins :) and if that isn’t enough,
research by the British Journal of Nutrition suggests that it also help to curb
That’s 3 ‘cool’ reasons to eat ‘hot’ food
:) (I hope you’re enjoying these puns!)!
TIP #7 - Diet drinks ruin your diet!
Diet drinks
contain less sugar, which is great. You
eat less sugar you lose weight, right? Well
yes, that’s true but it’s not the full story. Diet drinks are still sweet because they contain artificial
sweeteners to make them taste like their full fat cousins.
Herein lies
the problem… and it’s a BIG FAT problem.
mess with your bodies natural ability to regulate calorie intake in a really
BIG way.
Your body is an
amazing machine but if you confuse it, it can’t do it’s job properly. To
be on the safe side avoid anything with artificial sweeteners, they’re just not
worth it. Instead just drink more water!!
TIP #8 - Calorie counting is NOT
On tip 1 we
talked about the importance of counting calories,
but that’s not really enough. It’s no good just thinking about your diet in
terms of numbers in numbers out. If you are eating
crappy calories
then you’re going to real struggle to lose weight and you’ll probably be incredibly
unhealthy if you do.
So… don’t
just count calories, make a solemn commitment to
including a nice variety of nutritious
foods in your diet.
You should be including carbs, protein and fat when you eat
(the good fats that is… and all in
TIP #9 - “I’ll have the SOUP please”
start your meal with a low calorie vegetable soup.
shows that doing this will result in eating 20% less calories from your overall
It makes
sense… you’re filling up a little on soup so you’re much less likely to eat so
much during your main meal. And (much
more importantly) if you’re out for a meal, filling up on soup, followed by a
main meal will mean that you are not so likely to order a dessert.
You still eat well, go away satisfied and feel
full, but you have taken on 20% less calories. Just because you had the soup:
TIP #10 - STOP when you’re full!
This one
goes hand in hand with tip 3. When you eat food it takes a while for your body to process what’s just happened.
So, think of eating like this….
At some
point you WILL become full. and when
you hit that
point you
want to stop eating (If you don’t you end up completely ruining your meal and
spend the rest of the evening incapacitated on the sofa with you top button
undone rubbing your poorly belly)!
here’s the tricky part…
How do you
know which mouthful is the one that makes you hit your fullness limit? Well… there’s only ONE way to find out. Wait. That’s
it! Just wait. you don’t have to wait for hours, you just need a little pause
after EVERY mouthful to give your body the chance to say ‘That’s enough, I’m happy and satisfied, no more
thank you.’
So, eat… STOP… wait, pay attention. Are you full yet? If the
answer is
yes then stop eating, you’ve had enough. At
this point it doesn’t matter how much food is left on your plate, none of it
should be going into your mouth. From this point on you may as well look at the
contents of your plate as being lumps of fat that is gonna head straight for
your thighs and bum if you are foolish enough to even touch it.
TIP #11 - Cut down on SALT
Salt is a BIG problem when it comes to weight gain because it
messes with the signals that your body is giving you about the way your
actually feel. It causes you to feel hungry and thirsty, which makes you eat and drink more.
Most people
eat roughly double the amount of salt they should be so check the labels of
products you buy and look for lower salt content alternatives.
As for the
salt you sprinkle on your fries… try using rock salt instead of the stuff you buy at the supermarket. (I use Pink
Himalayan Rock Salt, you might want to Google it and see if you feel you’d like
to change over to it too).
TIP #12 - Don’t starve yourself at night
There’s a common myth that you shouldn't eat
after a certain time, some people say 7pm, others as early as 5!!! The trouble is, if you do that you tend to
grind your metabolism down and the next day you’re feeling so hungry that you
are very likely to over eat.!
As a simple
rule, just make sure you have about 90 minutes after your last meal before you
go to bed so that you have plenty of time to digest your meal. !
TIP #13 - Breathe Deeply
When you STOP what
you are doing for a minute or two, bring
your focus
back to yourself and just take a few nice long relaxing deep breaths your brain
starts to release those lovely feel good chemicals that reduce stress and make
you smile.
When that
happens, you are far less likely to reach for a ‘stress snack’. So, make a
solemn vow to yourself right now that at least 2 times every day while you are
at work you’ll take a 5 minute break to just relax completely and focus on
nothing but your breathing. (If you have to then you can do this in the
toilet!) Whatever it takes, just grab yourself 5mins twice a day to do this
simple exercise and you can wave goodbye to those pesky cravings. (You’ll also save yourself some cash if
you’ve been piling the pennies into the staff
vending machine!).
TIP #14 - Eat before you eat!!!
If you are
going out to a party where there will be buffet
then grab
yourself a quick light healthy bite to eat BEFORE you leave the house. Research
shows that people that starve themselves all day because they know they’ve got
an ‘all you can eat banquet later’ (Yes,
we’ve all done it!) on average will consume 47% more calories than people that
have a quick light healthy snack before leaving for the party.
Why so
high? It’s all down to bad decision
making. When we are hungry we tend to jump right into the fatty, cheesy,
stodgy goodies. But just a light healthy snack can take the edge of the hunger
enough to have you in the right mindset to make right decisions. As a result you end up with much more
nutritious food on your buffet plate a
far far fewer calories.
TIP #15 - Use chopsticks!!
force good eating habits, especially if you’re not very good with them! They automatically reduce the size of each
mouthful and force you to focus on what you are putting into your mouth. When
you use chopsticks you become a more conscious eater.
Think of a
traditional knife and fork (or even a spoon) as a scoop on a digger, blindly shovelling food into your
mouth. when I dine out I like to watch peoples eating habits (discreetly of course)
and I cant believe how much some people manage to get onto a fork, it seems as
though they feel like they’ve failed if the entire length of each fork tine
isn’t covered with food!
about what you eat, eating it consciously and putting smaller portions of food
into your mouth are all very good ways of controlling over eating. Chopsticks
make this much much easer.
TIP #16 - Eat treats VERY SLOWLY
Whatever it
is that you treat yourself with, that’s
fine. Even if it is something you really know you shouldn’t. I’m not going to
tell you to give up on your favourite treats. BUT… and this is very important.
I AM going to suggest that you change
the WAY that you eat it.
If you want
a treat then STOP what you are doing and take a
full 10 minutes
to eat it. Start VERY VERY slowly. Take
one bite. Notice the texture, flavour and smell. Really try to notice the
way it tastes as
you move it around in you mouth. Notice how it tastes differently in different
places of your mouth.
Now take
you time to chew it slowly. Enjoy
it. Savour the experience!
You should chew whatever it is you are eating 20 times and
every sensation as you do (Oh… as you're doing this you should have your next
mouthful waiting! Put down your eating
tools, or your food if
you’re just using your hands. Make your
ENTIRE focus be on the food in your
Once you’re
swallowed it ask yourself if you enjoyed it. Did you
enjoy the
taste? Do you feel satisfied? Notice EXACTLY how you feel now that you have swallowed
If you feel
full. STOP EATING. Even if you
have only had one bite. If you want another bite then go for it. But make sure
you eat it in exactly the same slow and deliberately conscious way.
Continue in
this way until you feel full and stop or you finish the snack.
TIP #17 - Don’t ‘Exercise to Eat!’
Most people
totally over estimate the number of calories that they burn when they exercise,
then they over eat because they think that their ‘post work out treat’ has been ‘paid for’.
requires effort, but it gives you
amazing rewards if you don’t steal them away after you’ve done the work. Allow the feeling that ‘YOU DID IT!’ be your reward. And when the pounds start dropping off because you’re not destroying all of your good work with
snacks that will only make you feel guilty later anyway,
then you can start to feel REALLY good!!
If you do
want to replace the calories you just burned at the gym then talk to the gym staff and have them tell you exactly how many
calories you really burned. It’s very
very easy to be tempted to eat something you shouldn’t if you think you’ve
burned more calories than you have.
Don’t let your hard work go to
TIP #18 - Eat
EVERY 3 hours!
There’s a sneaky hormone
in your body called ghrelin. This hormone
controls hunger and makes you crave food. It usually kicks in after 3 or 4
hours of fasting and if you are low on carbs it really spikes.
When ghrelin strikes it causes us to crave sugar and makes it really
difficult to stick to a healthy diet plan. It’s
also responsible for emotional hunger and comfort eating.
Because it usually doesn’t kick in until you’ve been fasting for over
3 hours, having a small, balanced and nutritious snack every 3 hours can stop
it in its tracks.
It may sound counterintuitive but eating more often can really stop
you from piling on the pounds. And
starving yourself for 3 hours or more makes it very difficult to resist the
temptation of binging on sugary snacks.
TIP #19 - Track
your food intake
When you track your food with an accurate food diary it brings your
eating habits into your conscious awareness… which does some pretty special
things to you. It changes the way you think about food and effects the way that you eat.
It’s also essential if you want to count
calories. !
However… you MUST be honest
and accurate. Record what you eat, how much you eat and if you dollop on lots of sauce!!!
Research has shown that people that keep an accurate food diary
lose TWICE as much weight as those
that don’t! TWICE AS MUCH!!! I know
it’s crazy, but we can’t argue with science!
Keeping a
food diary works. for lots of reasons, so if you want to be TWICE as successful at losing weight, go
grab your journal now and write down EVERYTHING
you had for breakfast. Well go on
then!! Chop chop!!!
TIP #20 - Sleep yourself slim!
research by the University of Pennsylvania shows that sleep deprivation will
often lead to immediate weight gain. During a study participants slept for 10
hours for 2 nights, then
5 nights of
restricted sleep and 4 nights of recovery.
Compared to a control group that had normal sleep without any deprivation the
participants gained an average of 3 pounds!!
So if you want a nice easy way to
lose weight, go to bed early!!
What next?
We really hope that this book has helped you and that you have enjoyed reading it.
So where do you go from here? !
There are
so many different diets, exercise
programs, pills, wraps, creams and potions that it’s almost impossible to know what really works… and what to
We are here to help you :)!
We keep a very close eye on the health and fitness market. If lots
of people are getting amazing results from the same diet or fitness program
then it’s definitely worth taking a
We hand pick the very best programs based on the following
strict criteria…
1. Every
product we hand pick is tried and tested. These
products are working for other people and they will work for you too!
2. We only hand pick products that come with
an unconditional
60 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. (This gives you plenty of time to try everything 100% risk